Weathered, weather-resistant steel, also called Corten. It is a material between normal carbon steel and low content stainless steel. Corten steel is therefore carbon steel with the addition of copper (low Cu), chromium (low Cr); these elements are present to achieve anti-corrosion activity. It also has other advantages such as high strength, plastic flexibility, easy scratching, welding and cutting, corrosion, high temperature resistance, fatigue .
What is surprising is that Corten steel is 2 to 8 times more resistant to corrosion than normal steel, and paint is 1.5 to 10 times more resistant. For this advantage, weatherproof steel parts have good anti-rust performance, durability and low cost. Thus, material was saved to a great extent.

Why use Weather Steel ?
This steel is combined with the latest metallurgy and cutting-edge technology. Weatherproof (corten steel) and steel materials and meets international standards. Metal's corrosion resistance makes it a popular material for outdoor decoration.
When you are involved in construction projects or landscaping work, you have tons of building materials at your disposal. While everyone's love comes with its good and bad aspects, you want something that will stand the test of time. After all, there's no point in spending a lot of money building something if these building materials don't last long.
However, you may not have heard of Corten steel but you have definitely encountered it. With its deep orange color and weathered appearance, this is something you've probably come across because it's easy to find. It was also a popular building material for visual imagery and everyday things like walking down the street.
Corten Steel (Weather Resistant Steel) Applications
Weatherproof Steel is mainly used in railway buildings, automobiles, bridges, tower buildings, photovoltaic power plants and high-rise buildings when necessary. It is also used in the manufacture of containers, oil and gas, port construction and drilling, and ship parts containing H2S.
What is weathering steel
Weather steel, as we said, is also called corten steel. Basically you can find this type of iron in the brand name of an American iron company. The problem with building materials is that you often find that the level of rust increases over time. No matter how hard you try to avoid it, it will inevitably seep in. This is why the United States Steel Corporation came up with this idea. They can prevent dust by providing a great tool. This means you don't have to worry about painting occasionally. While this may all seem too good to be true, you also need to look at things from a practical perspective. This is because as rust continues to accumulate, the metal becomes thicker and less stable. Once the breaking point is reached, the blades become brittle and need to be replaced. It is therefore important to take into account differences in environmental conditions when evaluating this tool.
How does Corten steel work?
If air and moisture were present, all or most of the small metal parts would corrode. The rate at which this occurs depends on the presence of water, oxygen and air pollutants. As the process continues, the rust layer forms a barrier that prevents dirt, moisture and oxygen from passing through. This will also help slow down the decay process to some extent. After a while, this damaged metal separates from the
metal. As you can imagine, this is an ever-repeating cycle.
However, in the case of climate change, things will work differently. Although the dissolution process will inevitably begin in the same way, its progress will be slightly different. This is because the alloying elements in the metal produce rust that is durable and adheres to the base metal. This will then help create a protective barrier that will prevent continued access to moisture, oxygen, and contaminants. Therefore, you will experience a much lower
corrosion rate than traditional steel structures.
Weathered Steel Metallurgy (Corten Steel)
The main difference you will find between regular structural steel and weathered steel is the addition of copper, chromium and nickel alloys. This is said to help give Corten steel its anti-corrosion properties. Conventional steel, on the other hand, is made from conventional materials and when compared to steel, all other factors turn out to be more or less the same.
ASTM A 242
Also known as the original A 242 alloy, this alloy is said to have a yield strength of 50 ksi (340 Mpa) and an ultimate strength of 70 ksi (480 Mpa) for the ductile form. As for the plates, this is about 0.75 inches. Additionally, with plates from 0.75 to 1 inch, the ultimate strength will be 67 ksi and the yield strength will be 46 ksi.
Round plates with high rolled profiles will have an ultimate strength of 63 ksi and a yield strength of 42 ksi.
As for the categories, you can find them in 1 and 2. As the name suggests, both of them can be used for different purposes depending on their size. In the case of Type 1, it will generally be used in construction projects, residential buildings and commercial vehicles. Type 2 steel, also known as Corten B, will be used mostly in taps and street furniture.
ASTM A 588
You can find this type of weather-resistant steel with an ultimate strength of 70 ksi and a yield strength of at least 50 ksi in all types of rolls. For plate dimensions it will be approximately 4 inches. For plates at least 4 to 5 inches wide, the tensile strength shall be a minimum of 67 ksi. For slabs between 5 and 8 inches, the tensile strength will be at least 63 ksi and the yield strength will be at least 42 ksi.
Common Applications of Corten Steel
As we know, Corten steel is widely used in various projects and projects, so what are the most popular common Corten projects? We have listed below for your reference and understanding about the hardware.
Outdoor Use
Weathered steel is widely used in outdoor design. Some notable examples include the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York, and the Center for the Humanities and Arts at Leeds Metropolitan University. Other popular designs from Corten:
Bridge, Structure
Can also be used to build bridges and other large construction projects. Some of these include the Australian Center for Contemporary Art and the new River George Bridge.
Air is also proving to be a popular building material in the construction of intermodal containers, ocean freight and visible packaging. This is something that can easily be seen on London's newly widened M25 motorway.
When did you first start using
Corten steel? Corten steel was first introduced in 1971 in St. It was used by the St. Louis Motor Company to make the Highliner electric cars. The reason for doing this was to try to reduce costs compared to using traditional steel. But the sad news is that the weathervane season does not continue as expected, as corrosion pits begin to appear on the car. Upon inspection, it was revealed that the paint was contributing to the problem. This is because the
's painted headliner will rust like regular steel. This means that there is not enough space for the protective layer to form on the metal surface. In 2016, these cars seemed to disappear from view forever.
Exterior Materials
Another way to find useful corten steel is in outdoor construction and landscaping. It was very popular because it was made with oil that would make the surface rustproof. The corrosion-resistant patina finish means there's no need to weather or paint. It also has no effect on the strength of the steel structure.
The reason outdoor boards are popular with many interior designers is because of their versatility. This is because the benefits appear to be more intrinsic than heat. You can usually find it on plates and papers. Thanks to its durability and combined strength and small size, it will be possible to place the concrete wall in situations where it is filled or incompatible with the environment. In short, the conditioning of
metal seems to know no boundaries and is limited only by the designer's imagination.
Corten Steel Advantages
When looking at this type of steel it makes sense to look at some of the best. Read more below:
When using surface-mounted air conditioners, the only maintenance required was regular inspection and cleaning. When it comes to regular cleaning, this also means rinsing the surface with water to remove dirt and natural debris. Painting and drawing will also benefit the structure of the oxide because the oxide repairs itself through its own growth without needing to be replaced.
Long-term projects and savings
Since we are talking about long-term investments, you need to look at savings that you can enjoy. Because if there is no way to save money, there is no point in using corten steel in your construction projects. You can save money in the long run thanks to the durability of
Corten steel. This is something that can be easily achieved when looking at buildings built fifty years ago. In fact, it is used all over the world due to its durability and long-term savings. By taking advantage of the protection and durability of these materials, it will also help to eliminate painting-related costs. Not only that, the lifespan of the
can be extended and paint maintenance is done on-site. Air conditioners appear to be the best choice where access to equipment maintenance is difficult or dangerous or where vehicle suspension reduction is required.
Environmental Benefits
While it is important to save money, it is also important to do so while protecting the environment. Thanks to the stringent requirements of LEEDS and other green features such as being made from recycled and 100% recycled materials, you make a big contribution to the environment. All you have to do is browse the internet and you can find all the information there.
Unusual Style and Appearance
Weatherproofing will help bring out more elements in the building's appearance. This is because the patina can change from watery to dry and back again several times a day. This will also bring a sense of curiosity and depth. In short, this device is much bigger than you expect. With the experience, you will be able to recognize the simple face hiding behind the seemingly structure waiting to be discovered in a new way. Therefore, you can find very few building materials that can provide this level of sophistication and attention. The patina will continue to develop and blend over the years with different textures and tones. As the oxidation progressed, the voice of the earth began to be heard.
Shortening the delivery time and purchasing
If you want to buy the cheapest and most suitable, you better use green corten steel. This is because wearables help reduce delivery times and costs. When you first use this tool, you may notice rust that will disappear on its own. However, this isn't something you need to worry about if it breaks and bleeds. If you want to work with , a capture or leak system can be included in the design. This will help transport or store loose ferrite.
Limitations of weathering steel (Corten steel)
Like any other building material, weathering steel seems to have its limitations. But this isn't something that has to happen suddenly. Actually, it would be nice if you knew more about this. This way, you can make smarter and more rational decisions later in the day.
. The reason for this is the high amount of salt in the sea. If soil is kept on top, it tends to rust. This will cause problems in the internal development of internal protective oxides.
Therefore avoid the use of corten steel products that use too much salt (chloride) as a corrosion initiator. This is because they exhibit an inorganic oxide form over time. In short, they would not provide the level of protection they should have provided before.
road salt
When using air conditioners, the use of road salt is definitely not recommended as it may cause problems in some cases. Normally this wouldn't be a problem unless it is increased by a fixed and constant amount. This construction would have continued if the rain had not washed away the building.
You should avoid environments where industrial waste or harmful chemicals may be present in large quantities. While such things are rare these days, it doesn't hurt to be on the safe side. This is because many studies have shown that industrial environments with low to normal pollution levels can help metals form a protective oxide layer.
Trap or leak to be caught.
Wet conditions or wet conditions prevent oxidation. This will be especially true where water can collect in pockets known as retention traps. This is because these areas do not dry completely, have bright colors, and are highly degraded. Lots of vegetation and wet litter growing around the metal can also contribute to the longevity of the topsoil. According to
you should avoid storing dirt and moisture. You should also ensure that metal parts receive adequate ventilation.
Bleeding or Bleeding
Initial exposure of Corten steel to weathering usually results in severe corrosion of all adjacent surfaces, especially concrete. This situation can be easily resolved by removing images that damage the product.