The primary distinction between API 5CT N80-1 and N80Q lies in their impact properties and delivery conditions. Both N80-1 and N80Q casing pipes exhibit the same tensile strength. However, N80-1 is delivered in a normalized condition. This involves subjecting the pipe to a final hot rolling temperature higher than the critical temperature Ar3, followed by stretch reducing and air cooling. Consequently, the hot rolling process can serve as a substitute for normalization. Impact test properties and non-destructive testing are not mandatory for N80-1.

Heat treatment methods vary between N80-1 and N80Q casing and tubing. For API 5CT N80Q casing pipes and N80 tubing, the heating treatment should involve quenching and tempering, compliance with impact tests as per API 5CT specifications, and the execution of non-destructive tests.

Oilfield API 5CT Casing Pipe L80-1, L80-9Cr, L80-13Cr. The L80 casing pipe is classified into L80-1, L80-9Cr, and L80-13Cr grades, all possessing the same mechanical strength and delivery conditions. Differences lie in their application, production processes, costs, and prices. L80-1 is the standard type, while L80-9Cr and L80-13Cr offer high resistance to corrosion, albeit with more complex production processes and higher costs. They are typically used in oil wells prone to heavy corrosion.

API 5CT N80-1 and N80Q Casing Pipe API 5CT N80 oilfield casing pipe encompasses grades N80-1 and N80Q.

The coupling for API 5CT N80-1 and N80Q casing and tubing is identical.